BOOK REVIEW: Your Magnificent Chooser ~ by John Ortberg

magnificent chooser

Thanks to Tyndale for the complimentary copy

It has been quite a while since my last review. Between upper-division classes and work I don’t have as much “free time” and energy together to blog. But, I’m back with this fabulous rhyming picture book.

I had intended to let this be my son’s book and get his review, but since it took him about 5 minutes (or less) to read the story he decided to give it to his sister who is finally starting to flip through pages of books rather than tear them apart (although she does still add her own “illustrations” aka scribbles).

The  style of rhyming in this book is excellent. It was very reminiscent to me of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. Throughout Your Magnificent Chooser the author brings the reader on a journey of learning what a “Chooser” is (your conscience, free will, Holy Spirit, etc) and how each “Chooser” is unique to the individual. He encourages children to always be brave enough to choose, even when they are unsure of the results. He encourages them to choose wisely in their friendships and social interactions with peers. He encourages them to pray for guidance when they are unsure what to do.

The illustrator, Robert Dunn, is an excellent pairing with the author. The “Chooser” each child has is similar to a fuzzy, balloon or cotton ball with a string or leash attaching them to their person. They are various colors, as they are unique to each individual and their facial features reflect the emotions of their corresponding human.

Depending on the level of skill your reader has, I would say this book is probably best for a beginner reader or a pre-schooler who will sit and listen. I would absolutely love to see another pairing by this author and illustrator for a bedtime book, or kid’s coloring devotion book.

Rating: gold stargold stargold stargold stargold starplus sign